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Advanced HVAC Training for Those Beyond the Basics

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) engineers are very important in a company since they are responsible for maintaining all HVAC systems. Almost all businesses depend on HVAC systems, and it is, therefore, very important to ensure that these systems are functioning properly and are in a good condition. For this to happen, the Engineers must possess the necessary knowledge and skills required. Basic knowledge may work at times, but advanced training is important in the operation of advanced HVAC systems.

HVAC Design: Level I - Essentials

provides intensive, practical training ideal for recent technical or engineering school graduates, engineers new to the HVAC field, those who need a refresher in new technologies, and facility managers, sales representatives and others who want to gain a better understanding of HVAC fundamentals, equipment and systems.

HVAC Design Level II – Applications

provides instruction in HVAC system design for experienced HVAC engineers and those who have completed the HVAC Design: Level I – Essentials. The training covers the technical aspects of design and allows participants an opportunity to expand their exposure to HVAC systems applications to increase energy savings and improve indoor environmental quality.

Consulting Engineering Essentials

provides an overview of ownership responsibilities and offer insights into business development, marketing of engineering services, planning and project management, accounting, and client management to help develop the project engineer into a well-rounded consulting engineer.

Improving Existing Building Operation

focuses on the importance of proper operation and maintenance of existing HVAC systems to increase building performance. The training equips attendees with the techniques to assess existing building performance to make their facilities operate more efficiently and economically.

In the recent past, the HVAC industry has experienced many technological advances that has resulted in the need of taking employees through advanced training on the subject. Having basic knowledge of HVAC no longer works in the industry since it limits one to simple applications. Without advanced knowledge, technicians struggle to operate recent and advanced innovations.

A decade ago, all HVAC equipment worked in a similar manner despite being manufactured by different companies. Today, modern equipment is harder to operate for technicians with the basic knowledge to use. In fact, the equipment is more proprietary in such a way that only dealers can service it or make repairs. The increase in complexity has forced HVAC technicians to revisit training on HVAC systems. Employers who take advanced training on HVAC for granted have found themselves in difficult situations when their employees are unable to operate complex machinery effectively. The developments will be even more advanced in the future and the best way to keep your company ahead of the competition is by taking them through advanced AC training in air conditioning and refrigeration.

Even though modern HVAC systems have changed, the basic physics concepts and principles that were being used previously are still the same ones that are being used today. Therefore, those employees with basic training on the systems are the ones that advanced HVAC training suits best. Every technician who has received basic training is considered ready for advanced HVAC classes. The advanced training is supposed to expand knowledge of the systems and would be inappropriate for a person with too little or no knowledge at all. This is because they will not understand most of the concepts taught and the training will end up being a waste of time. For those with basic knowledge, the training will ensure they become successful in the HVAC industry for a very long time.

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 Industrial Safety

 Core design



 Manufacturing Engineering

 Energy Audit

 Engineering Analysis


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